Mac Support Newcastle
Mac Support available in Newcastle and is also for our North East customers – drop us an email to explain the problem, or if you prefer to discuss over the phone then call 078 8885 3490 for a quote.
- increase hard drive space
- increase memory (RAM)
- replace or repair damaged screen
- reinstallation of Mac OS.
Ipad Advice
For those of you our there lucky enough to own an iPad, check out our top apps list in no particular order
- Lets start with a game: Tower Madness HD
Great game-play, doesn’t require constant attention, so you can have a play on the sly at work.
similar to plants vs zombies, but I prefer the variety of weapons and aliens to attack before they steal all your sheep!
- Dropbox (another free app) pretty vital when you consider the 16gb available on the iPad2
- TuneIn Radio – gets digital radio stations and displays in really useable format.
- Flipboard – great use of the iPad for reading blogs, news stories and catching up with facebook/twitter in a easy to read format.
- check out FTPOnTheGo (~£5) one of the few apps I paid for but worth every penny if you are a web developer/ coder. Split screen for code/HTML preview. Built in FTP client to download and edit HTML, CSS, PHP, JSP files on the fly. CHECK OUT THIS ESSENTIAL APP. Great support also…
- Remote Access is quite handy with the iPad2, use it as a giant remote (like the sky remote app) or simply to turn your home computers on and access files on there. So RDP Lite for remote access and Wake On LAN, it’s great, and free. Secondly Air Video is a quality app (~£2) which allows you to stream any videos on your home PC straight onto your iPad anywhere in the world with semi quick Internet connection.
- Flowpaper – great little app for designing some cool 3D backgrounds/canvases/logos – you name it!
OK that’s probably enough to be getting on with but if you want more info then leave us a message on the contact us page